Wednesday 30 March 2011


I have become more interested in this area recently as I grapple with my reasons for the placement of sounds in my collages. Whilst I easily get lost in the science of psychoacoustics, it really is a fascinating area to investigate and try to understand. The physical qualities of sound and hearing are truly amazing. I have just borrowed Yost's Fundamentals of Hearing, so that's me sorted for Easter.

Monday 28 March 2011



Initially, on the way home from yesterday's recording session, I thought this was going to be a bit dull, cliched even. All those bells and church organ, but having listened through the recordings and begun a very rough lay out in Logic, I am quite happy with the start of this track.

Wednesday 23 March 2011


Took Otford as my latest location for the Pilgrims' Way. The present High Street is the old Pilgrims' Way and as noisy and busy as one would expect. The River Darent, whose source is in Otford runs through the village at the West side. Plenty of avian activity it being spring and I noticed yesterday the volume birds are able to sing at these days to cut through the traffic noise.

Monday 21 March 2011

J G Ballard 3

... and of course, whilst not a place specific, but unquestionably English, Graham Greene.

Sonic Neolithic Sites

I have just come across the idea that some Neolithic stone sites were constructed for their sonic qualities as opposed to or equivalent to their visual.
I am trying to find a Channel 4 documentary from about 10 years ago on the subject.

Sunday 20 March 2011

J G Ballard 2

Ballard leads me to Orwell.
Note to self: Dig out copies of George Orwell's Keep The Aspidistra Flying and Coming Up For Air.

Village Greens

After a conversation with Salome last week, I thought I'd look into village greens a bit.
There is good practical information on the Open Spaces Society website.
The Kinks should not be overlooked at this point.

J G Ballard

I have been thinking about Place and Englishness in English poetry recently thanks to the frequent quoting of Blake, Tennyson and particularly John Clare. I bought a small collection of Clare's work and found them to be really charming.
Thinking about poetry, I then was reminded of the huge emphasis upon place in many of J G Ballard's brilliant books.
Born out of the development of my Non-Places project, I am going to experiment with a Ballard piece or series of pieces. I will begin with Concerte Island and High Rise. Partly as they are the books I enjoyed the most but because fortunately are more straightforward to begin obtaining pertinent recordings.

Listening Through The Noise

I found an interesting thought on Space, Place and Location today in Listening Through The Noise by Joanna Demers.
Space refers to large-scale sites, be they physical, mental or cultural.
Place refers to sites that are local governed by interpersonal, ecological or political relationships.
Location refers to the physical placement of listeners or of sound objects. Location can be actual or perceived, but says Demers, usually perceived. (2010, p114)

Wednesday 9 March 2011

White Horse Stone

Recorded on the same day as the Charing recordings, this will be a modest piece from a relatively quiet place punctuated by the Channel Tunnel Rail Link and several tractors.

Moat And Green At Charing

A new piece for the Pilgrims' Way project. This was a fairly quiet and sonically unremarkable location but had a lovely small moat that ran through the village at the bottom of the green.

Tuesday 8 March 2011

Kit's Coty House

I visited a couple of spots for the Pilgrims' Way project yesterday. I spent a great bit of time getting the feel of these amazing stones for the megalith project.

Wednesday 2 March 2011

Edgelands 2

Having discovered this phenomenon a week or so ago, I naturally bought the book. I have been thinking of these areas in the same context of non-places, the same un lived-in feel that these places exude is really interesting especially as they owe their existence to the needs of people then the people abandon them. Looking forward to digging deeper. There was an interview with the authors on the Today Programme which might interest.

Tuesday 1 March 2011

Modern British Sculpture

Had a good couple of hours at this Royal Academy exhibition today. This was one of those exhibitions where I go and spend a few hours and come away with a really positive feeling but cannot for the life of me work out why. The show it not that big and actually rather subtle but left me really wanting to get my megalith piece sorted out properly.